When I was a little girl, my grandfather used to say that I walked with a purpose. From that point forward, my life has confirmed his thoughts, as my natural tendency is to be a productive-achiever-never-slow-down type. I never get to the end of my list. I often see my worth in what I accomplish. Anybody with me?
About 17 years ago, I was at a women’s retreat, and I heard someone talk about spiritual practices. I had been a Christian for over 30 years, and I had never heard that subject being taught. It was eye opening and heart opening for me. I began to pursue spiritual practices much like we are doing in Overflow—a “taste and see” of the spiritual disciplines.
It’s impossible to practice them all. For this current season, I am practicing the gift of Sabbath. I make the choice to turn off my productivity switch. That is not easy for me to do. I avoid pursuing my own affairs—laundry, groceries, work, and emails. I take slow walks in His creation, read a book for fun, journal about my life, watch a movie, and take a nap. I hold back from shopping—even on Amazon.
Do I do this practice perfectly? No. Do I grab my phone when I intend not to? Yes. But at the end of the Sabbath day, I realize life is not about me and my to-do list. I remember that I am a human being, not a human doing. I remember that God has control over my life. I take delight in my relationship with him and my family, and savor this gift called life. It allows me to offer a better—less frantic, more rested—me to the world the next week.
Are you in need of resetting? Becoming a better you? How can you take a step towards the practice of Sabbath? Be intentional. Carve out a day and time to practice—if even for a few hours. A few days before your calendared Sabbath, prepare to accomplish all the necessary things. And then enjoy your time of rest.