
Peachtree Student Ministry serves our students between sixth grade and college. We partner with our families to raise up the next generation of disciples committed to Jesus by helping students behold the Living God and His Word, connect with a mentor, and belong to a fellowship of friends, creating lifetime relationships and memories.

Supporting students is our priority. Their growing relationship with the Living God is our commitment and our daily prayer. We believe the best way to accomplish this is by participating in their lives: attending sporting events or performances, grabbing coffee, or even just meeting for lunch.


Milestones for each group also help Peachtree mark the crucial steps along our students’ journeys of faith. Every two years, we celebrate our students’ walk in a deep foundational way.

6th Grade (Spring) - The Path
8th Grade (Fall) - Confirmation
10th Grade (Fall) - Younique
12th Grade (Spring) - Rooted


Through gatherings, trips, and events planned throughout the year, our students are welcome to bring friends and introduce them to the Student Ministry at Peachtree Church.

Sunday Mornings


Sunday mornings, students gather to pray, share life, and study God’s Word together. 

Where we meet

3rd Floor of the Gym (enter through Main Gym Entrance)


Students are invited to attend the 11:15am worship service with Student Ministry staff and leaders.




The Village  |  Belong Community for Parents
9:45am  |  4th Floor of Gym

Raising children is hard and while we don’t claim to have all the answers, we strive to be a supportive community where you can share your questions, concerns, joys, and outcomes. The Village is open to parents of all ages, whether married or single, particularly those whose children are in the challenging middle school through college years.


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