I often go for walks or runs with our dog early in the morning, before the sun has risen. As we start down our street, I like to look up to the stars in the sky and pray the words of this Psalm. The words speak to the reality that while we are living in a time of uncertainty, a moment where we can all too easily feel as though our lives are ships tossed about on a stormy sea, that the Lord God watches over us and keeps all harm from befalling us.
This reassurance does not mean that our lives will never be touched by issues that we do not wish to see occur. Instead, it merely means that God works for the good that is beyond all of our understanding. We can rest in the fact that when we feel as though nothing is in our control that the Lord “who watches over [us] will not slumber.” Even in the depths of our sleepless nights, God remains in control, and the Almighty maintains control of all that is, was, and ever shall be. Our moments of need are firmly in the hand of the Lord, especially in these times where we struggle to grasp hold of the fleeing fibers of our desire for stability.