Daily Devotionals

june 21, 2021

Our Peachtree Church email devotionals this week, June 21-25, will be written by Peachtree’s Belong Ministry staff.

Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well.


I Thessalonians 2:8

Paul loved his friends in the Thessalonian church. He repeats his admiration and affection for them several times in his letters to them. Paul reminds them that they are precious to God and precious to him—so precious that he was willing to “share his life” with them. I like this image, such a great model for community in the church.


Perhaps you know someone who has a great deal of Bible knowledge but who is not very kind or caring towards others. A relationship of any depth with this person is out of the question. Or perhaps you’ve known someone who swoops in at a time of crisis to quote the Bible to you and tell you what you should or should not do. Because this person may have no relationship with you, this advice comes across as hollow. But perhaps you know someone who loves you, encourages you, supports you, and walks with you in life. When this friend teaches God’s Word or gives you Biblical advice, it comes in the context of that relationship. And that makes all the difference.


During this summer, the daily email devotions will be written by different individuals from the Peachtree staff.  Members from each ministry department will take a week to offer reflections and encouragement from God’s Word. This week the Belong Ministry staff is writing the devotions. Our goal and desire in Belong Ministry is to facilitate and nurture deep Christian community. We want to help all of our communities learn God’s Word in an environment of trusted, loving, and growing relationships with one another. We want to experience what Paul wrote to the Thessalonians, that we would “love one another so much that we would share not only the gospel of God but our lives as well.” It is a model that can make an enormous impact on our church and on our world. Will you join us?

For Reflection

When have you known or experienced a significant and loving relationship with another believer who inspired you to grow in your faith?

With whom can you share “not only the gospel of God but your life as well?”


God of grace and God of glory, help me to engage in loving, supportive, and encouraging Christian community. Help me share the good news of the gospel and to share my life as well. May it all be for Your glory. Amen.

Dr. Barry Gaeddert
Pastor for Spiritual Formation