Daily Devotionals

february 19, 2021

Until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.


Ephesians 4:13

When my son, William, was at Ridgeview Middle School, he was in classes with students who spoke Spanish as their native language. He decided that learning their language would be a great way to connect with them. When he went on to Riverwood High School, his desire to learn Spanish accelerated. He took Spanish classes, read Spanish novels, wrote Spanish papers, watched Spanish shows on Netflix, and even did Skype calls with a tutor in Spain. During his college years, he spent a semester in Argentina and immersed himself in Spanish culture and language.


Becoming bi-lingual didn’t just happen to William. He made it happen through his vision, desire, and effort. Believe it or not, this success is true of our spiritual life as well. Growing our spiritual life takes vision, desire, and effort, too. Not effort in a way that we are trying to earn God’s grace and salvation, but effort in a way of being open and available to His presence, work, and guidance in our lives. Your days can be structured in a way that allow you, as Ruth Haley Barton says, “to be formed in the image of Christ for the glory of God, for abundance in your own life and for the sake of others.”


My desire is to live a Spirit-led life. My vision is a life of love with deep relationships, a life of peace in His presence, and a life well-lived on purpose. I can’t live like that without giving myself and my agenda over to God each day, each week. I have to choose Him and His will to shape me and guide me. Like William, my effort takes shape in classes, study, writing, and tutoring. Each week, I participate in a women’s community “class” to study scripture. My reading life always includes a stack of books on Christian faith. Almost daily, I write in a journal where I am stumbling and where I am hearing from God.  And through the years, I have invited tutors—spiritual mentors and directors—to help me process what God is doing in my life.


To attain the whole measure of the fullness of Christ takes effort.  But the result will be a life filled with joy, purpose, and peace.

For Reflection

How are you currently putting forth effort in your faith?

What new ways could you engage your faith this week or month?


“Gracious and loving God, You know the deep inner patterns of my life that keep me from being totally Yours. You know the misinformed structures of my being that hold me in bondage to something that is less that Your higher purpose of my life. Hear the deeper cry of my heart for wholeness and by Your grace enable me to be open to Your transforming presence. Amen.” 

(From Invitation to a Journey by M. Robert Mulholland)

Rebecca Madden
Women's Ministry and Connections Director