Daily Devotionals

August 6, 2020

Our Peachtree Church email devotionals this week, August 3–7, will all be written by Peachtree’s Student Ministry Staff.


Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.


Jeremiah 33:3

Have you heard from God? Some people would answer that they’ve never heard from God. Others would say that God speaks to them frequently, while still others say they fall somewhere in the middle. One of the most common questions I am asked is howto hear the voice of God. I want to share some helpful tips with you today to encourage you to spend time listening for God.
1. WITHDRAW. Carve out a time and space, free from distractions, to be with the Lord. This action might require turning off your phone, telling your family not to interrupt you, or maybe even getting up earlier in the morning. You have to make time with God a priority—maybe even put it on your calendar. Author Priscilla Shirer says, “The enemy wins a victory every time we let our jam-packed schedules invade the sanctuary of our quiet time with God.”
2 & 3. PRAY and LISTEN. Prayer is simply a conversation with God. But we sometimes don’t wait patiently to give God time and space to speak back to us. We are uncomfortable with the silence, want to move on with our to-do list, or find our minds wandering off. We need to ask God to speak and then wait. His response might tell you something specific or put a person on your heart to reach out to or give you a scripture for encouragement—or something else. Just be patient, listen, and wait.
4. READ. If the Bible is God’s word to us and is living and active, we need to use it! While we are eager to hear a big, booming, audible voice, perhaps there’s just a bit of scripture God wants to put into our hearts. You always have an open line of communication with God wherever you are through prayer. And now we have access to the Bible at our very fingertips with smartphones and computers (in addition to our well-worn Bibles). Use the word of God in order to hear His voice.

For Reflection

Take time this week to go through the steps above. Even if you already have a regular quiet time, incorporate more time listening patiently and asking God to speak to you.


Heavenly Father, please speak to me. I want to hear Your voice and know Your will for my life. Use this time right now to show me through scripture and through the power of Your Holy Spirit what I need to hear.

Leslie Lambert
Director of Fifty6 Ministry