Daily Devotionals

DECEMBER 14, 2021

This is the third week of Advent. Our devotions this week are on the theme of “Christ Came as Savior and Lord.”



Heal me, Lord, and I will be healed;
save me and I will be saved,
for you are the one I praise.
They keep saying to me,
“Where is the word of the Lord?
Let it now be fulfilled!”
I have not run away from being your shepherd;
you know I have not desired the day of despair.
What passes my lips is open before you.

Jeremiah 17: 14-16


People are so impatient. We’re like the character Veruca Salt from Roald Dahl’s book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: “I want it NOW.” 
In this age, there is much scoffing at the Word of God, and we can see it in Scripture. Scorn comes calling when our hard times cause others to say, “See, I told you there is no God!” simply because their chronos-centered view can’t comprehend the full scope of the story.
We are Christmas-people because we are Easter-people. We have the long, historical understanding that Christ came not just for a particular season of rescue but because He is forever our Shepherd, forever the One who desires to save us from our sin. He wants to remove sin from us, to heal us, to be Emmanuel, “God with us.” When we understand that Jesus does heal, that He saves us in an eternal way, then indeed He is the One we will recognize and praise as Lord.
If Jesus came for the purpose of being my Savior, how should I respond? He is the Lord of my life, whom I will worship forever—not just on the Sunday mornings of this earth but for all the unnumbered days in His glorious house. 

For Reflection

How do I respond today to Jesus as my Lord and Savior?

If I claim Jesus as Lord and Savior, how do I respond with my whole life ahead?


Jesus, blessed Jesus, I claim You as Savior and claim You as Lord. Though You came to earth in humble physical circumstances, I know You came for me so that I will never be removed from Your presence. I declare this day that I believe in Your saving grace, poured out forever in life, death, and in Your resurrection. Amen.

Mary Hoffman
Senior Music Ministry Director