high school

Our High School Ministry brings ninth- through twelfth-graders together to discuss relevant issues from a Biblical perspective as they foster community and fellowship with their peers. High School Ministry staff believe that real change and growth happens in the context of relationships, so they strive to make a place for students to belong through gatherings, events, and trips throughout the year.

Sunday Mornings


3rd Floor of the Gym (enter through Main Gym Entrance)

Sunday Mornings is where High Schoolers are invited to be a part of a time of fellowship to build community through relationships rooted in Christ, to grow in their personal faith, and to serve others. Students will have the opportunity to learn, deepen their understanding of The Gospel, have fun getting to meet new friends  and learn about opportunities to serve. We can’t wait to see you there!

10th grade Milestone  |  Leadership Milestone

September 8–28

Every two years, Peachtree Students hosts a milestone for Middle and High School students. In 10th grade, students have the opportunity to go through a leadership milestone geared toward training and equipping students to become camp counselors, Confirmation leaders, and table leaders. This milestone will be offered Fall 2024. Stay tuned for details.

12th grade Milestone  |  Rooted

January 26–April 27, 2025

Rooted is a seven-week journey for graduating high school seniors as they head off into their next season of life, centered around how to live out their faith in college. This milestone features conversations in small groups about the social scene, finding a church, dealing with doubt, and finding confidence in your identity. 

High School Ministry Staff

Connor Smith
Senior High School Manager
Lillian York
Interim High School Associate