Daily Devotionals

August 3, 2020

Our Peachtree Church email devotionals this week, August 3–7, will all be written by Peachtree’s Student Ministry Staff.


For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.


Ephesians 2:8

How is it already August? As we start a new month, I want you to think back on July. Did you mess up? Did you intentionally lie to someone, say something you regret, or make a huge mistake that you don’t even want to talk about? The ways that we’ve messed up in the past month are probably innumerable, and we are in constant need of God’s grace.


Author Bob Goff says, “Grace is like the sunrise: it’s there for us every day, whether we choose to enjoy it or not.” The first time I read these words, I was encouraged by their truth. Since I connect easily and deeply with God in nature, whenever I see a sunrise, I think about how faithfully God loves us. Without fail, the sun comes up day after day after day, reminding us that God continuously offers us a new beginning, a clean slate, and the gift of grace, His unmerited favor.


At work, at school, and even at home, the world we live in is very much merit-based. If you perform and do well, you get a raise or an award. Although we live in a system that rewards excellence, God’s grace is something we cannot earn. Because of our sinful nature, we will never be “good enough.” Grace is this countercultural idea that invites us to receive God’s favor even when we don’t deserve it! For all those times you’ve messed up, whether today, in the past month, or even years ago, God’s grace is waiting for you and for me. He desires for us to come to Him so we can receive grace upon grace.

For Reflection

The grace of God is meant to change us, to free us from sin and shame. Is there a time in your life when you messed up and needed God’s grace?

How does God’s grace motivate you to be different?

As you think of the way God generously extends grace to us, is there someone in your life toward whom you might need to extend grace?


Lord, thank You for giving me open access to You and Your grace. Thank You for inviting me into a personal relationship with You where I can experience the freedom and acceptance that Your grace provides. As I boldly and confidently come to Your throne of grace, I confess my mistakes and shortcomings, and I thank You that Your grace is sufficient for me, filling and restoring me. Help me to live today remembering and resting in Your grace. Amen.

Leslie Lambert
Director of Fifty6 Ministry