Daily Devotionals

july 26, 2021

Our Peachtree Church email devotionals this week, July 26-30, will be written by Peachtree’s Hospitality Ministry staff.



Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.


1 Thessalonians 5:11

When I think of encouraging others and building up one another, I am reminded of what it means to be part of a team. I have the joy and privilege of being part of Peachtree’s Hospitality team, which supports each of the ministries on our campus. I’d like to give you an idea of why it takes a team.  In 2019 Peachtree booked more than 19,000 events across our 424,000 square foot campus. In each of those events, we witnessed the togetherness, reverence, and compassion to which God calls us to strive each day.


Our team delights in the opportunity to engage with staff, members, and guests as we support the events and programs at Peachtree. Through worship and other activities, our entire church family is commanded to encourage and build up one another as the body of Christ. I actually consider all of us to be part of the hospitality team because in worship and programing we must begin by welcoming each other with “love.” If our intention is to demonstrate Christ-like hospitality, then it most definitely involves our hearts. We start with our body language, eye-contact, and a friendly smile, followed by our words. A simple “Hello” or “Good morning” is easy, but truly encouraging and building one another up takes intentionality.


These kinds of actions remind me of what I learned early in my career as a sales trainer in the retail industry. The key to a successful sale is to greet customers in a friendly way, listen to their questions/requests, and provide an answer by recommending the best products to meet their needs. While active listening and friendly engagement are both important, true success is measured by repeat business and relationships built on trust, resulting in loyal clientele.


Trusting God to create in us a “pure heart” and steadfast spirit becomes possible as we seek a relationship with Him. Through time spent in prayer, reading, and studying His Word, and simply abiding in Him, I find my heart more open to being transformed by God. True success in encouraging and building up one another is based on our dependence on God. It is only through Him that we can have a “pure heart” and steadfast spirit as He works through and among us as the body of Christ.


There have been times over the past year when I have felt tired and discouraged.  I am grateful for those who have come alongside me to encourage and build me up through prayer and sharing scripture. The family and friends who have shown me Christ-like hospitality during these challenging times have reminded me of how powerful God is in answering our prayers.


I do not want to limit God by setting goals that are measured by the world’s standards. My heart is open and ready to be hospitable according to what God has planned!

For Reflection

Do you ask God to help you encourage others and build up those in your personal and professional life?

Is there someone in your life who needs encouragement and building up? Can you make time to pray for this person?


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for Your faithfulness in listening to our prayers and creating in us both a “pure heart” and steadfast spirit as we live out our faith. Help us to seek You as we strive to encourage and build up one another in our personal and professional lives. Fill us with Your spirit.  May our hearts reflect Your love as we serve and work alongside one another for Your glory. Amen.

Meg Williams
Director of Family Life