Daily Devotionals

june 2, 2021

I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.


Philippians 1:3-6

I planned to write a devotion today. The problem was I just wasn’t feeling terribly equipped. It was one of those times in which a “dry spell” came over me, when a blank page stared back at me with no encouragement. You’ve been there.  You’ve known the “I’ve got nothing to offer in this moment” feeling although you regularly expect a creative outpouring from yourself. While there are many practical reasons why those barren times rear their ugly heads, how do we climb out of them?


The trick is to start with thanks—gratitude—an awareness that you are a recipient of God’s grace. Paul starts his letter in deep thanks for the believers in Philippi. He underscores the gospel partnership they share, and he is absolutely certain of God’s plan for them. If I had been in that room and heard that letter read aloud, I know I would immediately feel encouraged, supported, and eager to continue this work with these people.


So that’s how I feel right now! When I think of you, those who long for the Word of God so much that you read these devotions faithfully every day, I give thanks that we are in the Spirit with each other. I give thanks that God calls us with His power to pray and to serve.  That which may seem barren to us is rich soil for the Living God. And I am sure that on this day, the good work He is doing in you and in your life will be fruitful.

For Reflection

How can I view a “barren time” as rich soil for God?

How can I start this day by giving thanks?


Gracious God, my Redeemer and sustainer, I am Yours. I thank You for Your design and purpose for my life. You invite me into partnership to serve and encourage Your people. Let everything I do today be fruitful, directing others to Your power and glory. In Christ’s name, Amen.

Mary Hoffman
Senior Music Ministry Director