Daily Devotionals

july 23, 2021

Our Peachtree Church email devotionals this week, July 19-23, will be written by Peachtree’s Children’s and Family Ministry staff.



I have called you by name; you are mine.


Isaiah 43:1

I am a mother of two precious girls, 10 and 12 years old. When they were little and were starting to talk, hearing them call me “Mama” was one of the sweetest sounds I can ever remember. I had waited my whole life to hear that!


Now that both girls are on the brink of being teenagers it has a little different ring to it.  It is usually drawn out, and is followed by something like, “Can I please have,” “She did this to me,” or “You’re SO embarrassing.” Needless to say, these are not spoken as sweetly, and occur much more frequently. It happens so often that I sometimes reply with, “Mama is not available right now.  Please leave a message at the tone.” This usually gets at least a little chuckle.


I answer to a lot of names such as sister, daughter, niece, aunt, friend, and of course, Mama. But my favorite of all is this: child. I am a child of God that He called by name. I am HIS. And so are you!  His plans for our lives are already written. He knows the number of hairs on our head. How special is that?

For Reflection

By what names are you called? What is your favorite?

How does it make you feel that God calls you by name, and that you are HIS?


Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for reminding me that You knew me in my Mama’s womb, and everything that would happen in my life. Thank You for the comfort that brings. Help me to trust You and all of the plans You have for me. Help me to be an obedient child who is indeed YOURS. Amen.

Meg Williams
Director of Family Life