Daily Devotionals

february 15, 2021

I will give them a heart to know me, that I am the Lord. They will be my people and I will be their God, for they will return to me with all their heart.


Jeremiah 24:7

In the part of Jeremiah that surrounds this verse, the text focuses on God’s anger against His people for turning away from Him and specifically upon the corrupt rulers of the land who value their own power and prosperity more than the living God. Amidst all of this wrath, though, God brings a promise of hope through His servant, Jeremiah. God says He will draw the Jews who were being sent into exile back to Himself by giving them a new heart for Him.


Seeing this verse in the middle of God’s words of anger offers us a beautiful reminder of who God is as our Father and savior. Yes, He is a God of wrath, and His justice is the only true justice.  But at the same time, God’s heart yearns for our hearts. His desire is for our love because of His great love for us.


When I think of this truth, I am reminded of the embers in a dimming fireplace. Though they burn there quietly, they can burst into flame under the right circumstances. The truth that a new fire can arise from the dying embers of an old one is a beautiful symbol of restoration and renewal. The Holy Spirit who dwells within us glows like those embers, ready to fan our love of God into flame. We must persist in choosing God over our own power and prosperity so that our hearts may be transformed by God’s restoration and renewal.

For Reflection

What are some areas within my heart that need to be made new? What would it look like to allow God to fill and heal those places?

Are there places in my life where I feel like I am in exile right now? If so, where is God in the midst of that? If not, how can I help someone else through such a season of exile?

What can I do to remember that the Holy Spirit dwells within me today?


Lord, please give me a heart to know You today. Please remind me of Your great purpose and passion. You are my everything, and I am sorry for the times when I stray or elevate my desire over Your love. In those moments, when I am truly deserving of Your wrath, may Your sacrifice cover me, Lord Jesus. Please open my eyes to Your truth and grace in this long pandemic night. You are the light at the end of the tunnel and the ember that burns in my heart. Make my heart glow with the fire of Your newness, Lord Jesus. Please bring Your warmth and healing. I love you, and I want my heart to know You, Lord. Amen.

Rev. Wes Nichols
Pastor for Belong