Daily Devotionals

July 17, 2020

Our Peachtree Church email devotionals this week, July 13–17, will all be written by Peachtree’s Belong Ministry Staff.


They had such a sharp disagreement that they parted company. Barnabas took Mark and sailed for Cyprus, but Paul chose Silas and left, commended by the believers to the grace of the Lord.


Acts 15:39–40

We would like to think that since we are followers of Jesus, everything is going to be just fine, and we are all always going to get along with one another. But life simply does not work that way.


Paul and Barnabas (who had been Paul’s mentor) apparently had such a rough disagreement over the inclusion of John Mark on what would become Paul’s second missionary journey that they seemingly said to one another, “Hope the screen door doesn’t hit you on your way out!” There is no indication that they ever spoke or worked together again. We know from his letters that Paul was ultimately reconciled to John Mark. As for Barnabas, we never hear from or about him again. We don’t know if Paul and Barnabas ever reconciled. While it may have happened, Luke does not tell that story. What we do know is that God used Paul, and Barnabas, and John Mark, and Silas, and many, many others for His holy purposes.


And God can use you, even if and when you have a falling out with someone in your family or a friend or even someone in your Bible study. Let God work. Something great may come of it!

For Reflection

Who are the people with whom you have had a “falling out” and for whom you may need to pray right now?

Does the realization that God can work even through interpersonal conflicts surprise you?

How can you trust God to help you listen to a friend this week?


Lord of all creation, forgive me of my anxiety when I experience conflict with a friend or colleague or family member. Help me to trust You to work in all of my relationships, especially when they involve conflict. In Jesus’s name, Amen.

Dr. Chuck Roberts
Senior Associate Pastor