Daily Devotionals

october 6, 2020

Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen. He named it Ebenezer, saying, “Thus far the Lord has helped us.”


1 Samuel 7:12

During these last six months, Jay and I have walked for hours in and around our neighborhood to make up for all the time we no longer spend within the walls of a gym. We recently traveled to other parts of Georgia to try out highly recommended hiking trails and to see beautiful waterfalls. As we hiked Raven Cliff Falls, I noticed neatly stacked stones in the water throughout our hike. That visual was a reminder to me of Samuel as he stacked the “Ebenezer” stone.


Samuel used this stone as a physical remembrance and reminder of God’s faithfulness, goodness, and deliverance. Samuel said, “Thus far the Lord as helped us.” I’ve been reflecting on how God has met me in the last six months during this pandemic. What might I name my stones in remembrance of His activity in my life? The first stone in my stack would be “Creation.”  I have seen the massive creativity and beauty of God in birds, flowers, and trees as I have walked and as I have looked out the window each day while working from my kitchen table. Another stone would be labeled “Faces.” I typically facilitate group studies by standing in front of a classroom.  But with Zoom, I have been up-close-and-personal with so many beautiful faces—all reflecting back the goodness of God to me. And the third stone would be labeled “Time.” Setting no alarm, not speeding off to the gym, and not driving in Atlanta traffic every day have been surprising gifts for me during Covid-19. 


This season has provided more time for me to journal, think, and pray to the God who created the world, the One who loves dearly each face that I see, and the One whose time is all-inclusive—the One who is, who was, and who is to come.


Try not to hurry back to “normal” before you’ve spent some time to reflect on how God has been made evident to you during this time.

For Reflection

What words would you place on your stones to remind you of your personal experiences of God during this time? Journal your thoughts or create an Ebenezer reminder with stones or art.

What ways can you testify to these experiences to your friends and family?


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for all the ways You have been with us during this time. May we pause and reflect before we hurry back to normal. Help us to remember how we experienced Your presence and to be mindful of You, spreading Your love as we go. In Jesus’s name, Amen.

Rebecca Madden
Women's Ministry and Connections Director