Daily Devotionals

October 18, 2021

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Hebrews 13:8

I’ve been riding an electric assist bike, given to me by our generous and beloved son-in-law. It helps me keep up with my husband and not get left behind at home (or at the bottom of a hill!). Because I am now whizzing through streets and the Beltline at a higher rate of speed than normal, I notice things I never did before. I notice the potholes and broken pavement caused by construction or tree roots. I notice the way people suddenly change course and veer into my path. I notice the way a person walking a dog will change direction, subject to the whim of the dog who has suddenly smelled something amazing that she wants to pursue. It’s even more startling when there are two dogs on leashes, both of whom have their own interests and pull in two different directions. I notice children who suddenly stoop to examine something surprising. I notice paths that are newly blocked off with sawhorses or ropes. I notice street projects that span an entire road and cause us to detour. All of these changes must be coped with, steered around, and remembered. And especially with people! You must watch them carefully as you come up on them and guess if they might suddenly switch their trajectory. Fortunately, I haven’t crashed into anyone yet!
The people in our paths and in our lives are always changing. Friends and family move here and there. Some old friends get promoted to the Church Triumphant. Some people retire, like our favorite doctors or bankers or therapists. Some people change because of sorrow, illness, or cares that diminish them. Children don’t stay one age but constantly grow and develop and become the people they were meant to be. Friends can suddenly come up with new ventures. We are always coping with human changes, even in ourselves. I’m not the woman I was twenty years ago. Though she’s still a part of me, I know I have changed.
The one Person who never changes is Jesus. Always, we will find Jesus full of mercy, grace, and steadfast faithfulness. Always, He will hear our prayers, lend us strength and wisdom. Always, He will open our eyes to the needs of the people in front of us. Always, Jesus will challenge us to grow and mature. If we stay close to Jesus over the course of our lives, we will become more and more like Him. Our steadfast Jesus is the same, yesterday, today, and forever.

For Reflection

In what ways is Jesus helping you to change?


In what ways would you like Jesus’s help to change you?


Dear Lord, there are so many changes in my life. I don’t always like or adapt well to change. But I know there are ways You would like to help me change. Help me to be pliable in Your hands. Thank You for never changing in Your grace and mercy for me. In Jesus’s name, Amen.

Rev. Vicki Franch
Pastor for Pastoral Care