Final Phase Update


We are excited to officially be in the Final Phase of our Renewing the Promise capital campaign. Watch construction update videos and learn more about location shifts.

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The ATL Zacchaeus Fellows Program, which is part of Peachtree Church, is a Christ-centered nine-month leadership development program for recent college graduates. A few years ago, faith-driven entrepreneur and Peachtree member Diane was called to provide internships for ATL Zacchaeus Fellows at her company, scoutSMART. By employing Lillian and Elijah, she helped them grow professionally and spiritually while they provided unique expertise to her company.
Over 150 high school students and counselors celebrated another unforgettable year at Camp Rutledge. They spent their days immersed in worship, prayer, small groups, and quiet time and had meaningful one-on-one moments with leaders and prayer partners. And, they also had a blast participating in fun activities, including Western Night, Game Night, Movie Night, and Carnival Night.
After a four year struggle with infertility, Emily and Tim prayed together, seeking to find clarity from God on the next steps for their family plans. Check out this video to learn about how they heard from God and experienced his spirit in their lives.

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