Daily Devotionals

may 27, 2021

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.


Hebrews 13:8 



Every generous act of giving, with every perfect gift, is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.


James 1:17

There’s a memory feature of Facebook where you can see what you were doing in recent years on a certain date—and for me, even eleven years ago. I can relive beautiful moments and pictures of my grandson, my sons and daughter, my husband and myself. I soon will be able to see memories of the day my granddaughter, Liana, was born. I can see trips we took and fun things we did together. I can also see the news of the day that impacted me and others: natural disasters, political and national troubles, and local news that changed our lives. (Remember the I-85 bridge collapse? I posted about THAT a lot.)


I have lived through many changes, and I have changed. I hope I am becoming more mature in the faith and in my walk with Jesus. I know that I can pinpoint certain times when I realized some truth I had not known before, some truth about God and about the life of faith. I picture these moments as a time when I walked up a flight of stairs, made a turn on the landing, and continued my upward climb. It was on that landing where I realized, “Oh, I can’t go on living anymore like I have been. I have to make a change in my thinking or in my habits.” Or that landing on the stairs could be a realization: “I don’t believe what I used to. Now I know something deeper about the Lord. I’ve left behind a childish, simple faith and now have new insight for the road ahead, with God’s good help.”


But Jesus? Jesus never changed. Jesus has been the same yesterday, today, and forever. Jesus has always been ready to meet me exactly where I am ever since the day I was born. Jesus has been strengthening, comforting, and guiding me at every juncture of my life. When I was a child, He was there. When I was a teenager here at Peachtree, Jesus knew me. When I got to college, He was calling me, reaching for me. When I was a young adult, marrying and going to seminary, I know Jesus was with me. When I struggled with depression, with being the mom of three young children while my husband was an intern and resident physician, Jesus was there with me.


The Book of James says that there is no change or variability in God. While our lives might be full of change, we can be sure that the Lord is steady and sure, present and sufficient at every turn of the stairs, in every time of need, in every moment of our lives.

For Reflection

Have there been moments in your life when you realized you were changing and growing?

How did the Lord help you with that change?


Dear Lord, sometimes I run into a brick wall and realize that I have to change the way I am living, the way I am thinking, the way I believe, and the way I am in relationship with others. It’s so hard to change. We resist, or we can’t find the energy or ingenuity to make it happen. But You are there, and Your love never changes, never runs out. You help us see the possibility of growth and maturity as we walk with You. Thank You for never changing, for never leaving us, for never giving up on us. You are our Rock and our Redeemer. Amen!

Rev. Vicki Franch
Pastor for Pastoral Care