The fundamental principle behind financial stewardship at Peachtree is that God wants something for you, not something from you.

There is a reason Jesus discussed the issue of money more than any other subject. He knew that money and how we use it, invest it, and treat it are the most significant indicators of one’s heart condition. Generosity is a way of life. Join us at Peachtree as we practice joyful generosity for his kingdom.

Ways to Give

Give Online

Online giving is fast and convenient. You can schedule your offerings on any day of the month through your bank, debit card, or credit card.

By Check

You can set up a bank check payment through your online banking system or send a personal check to our church:

Peachtree Presbyterian Church
C/O Finance Department
3434 Roswell Road NW
Atlanta, GA 30305

Stock Gifts

Contact the finance office at or 404-842-2570.

Renewing the Promise

Renewing the Promise is our 3-year capital investment campaign to restore and enhance different spaces that add up to more than half of our 300,000+ sq. ft. campus.

Memorial Gifts

You may give a gift in memory of a loved one.

Peachtree Trust

Peachtree Church established “A Living, Lasting Legacy” as a sound, effective means to provide future financial support to expand and enhance the church’s mission by providing opportunities for individuals and families to help build the Peachtree Trust, the church trust fund.

“A Living, Lasting Legacy” is designed to encourage thoughtful, prayerful and timely consideration of what will happen to our individual assets after our lifetime, and to provide information that can be helpful in planning for this eventuality that each of us must face.

Members who advise us in writing that they have included the church in their estate plans will have their names added to the Peachtree Honour Roll.

For more information, contact Ginny Nickles.

The Fruit of Your Faithfulness

Peachtree remains firm in our historic commitment to faithful generosity. Your support allows mission and ministry to continue in dramatic ways:

  • Over 100 faithful and dedicated staff members are employed to oversee ministry programs, events, and education.
  • Locally, your support provides vulnerable children the opportunity to have quality education, stable housing, food security, and more through our partnerships.
  • Your global mission partners such as the ones in India, Guatemala, and Malawi restore children who are survivors of trafficking and abuse, and provide financial support to children who otherwise wouldn’t be able to attend secondary school and college.

For more information, contact:

Ginny NicklesSenior Generosity Director