Daily Devotionals

january 27, 2021

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it."


Isaiah 30:21

Recently I have tried to explain to others how I notice God’s presence and guidance in my life. Not too long ago, I read these words from Frederick Meyer’s book The Secret of Guidance: “God’s impressions within and His word without are always corroborated by His Providence around.” I could not have said it better myself. As we seek God’s guidance, we should quietly and patiently wait for these three areas—impression of the Spirit, scripture, and circumstances—to point us in the right direction.


In 2003 I had the impression within that I should go on my first mission trip to Africa. However, for most of my life I had always thought, "God, please don't send me to Africa." That fear is not likely one you have had. But the idea that God could and would call someone to the mission field wasn’t all that foreign to me. My namesake, Aunt Neale, was a missionary to Nigeria for forty two years.


As I wrestled with this idea, Jay arranged for a dinner meeting with our mission partner from Malawi. Enjoying that meal together, I mentioned that I was thinking about joining the upcoming serving trip. The partner asked, "Do you like arts and crafts? Would you be interested in helping AIDs families do scrapbooks?" She went on to explain how the Malawi orphans are left with almost nothing when their parents die, no pictures to keep and no tangible memories for remembrance.

I almost fell out of my chair. I have been scrapbooking my own story since I was seven years old! It’s something I love to do, how God designed me to be. However, I never dreamed that scrapbooking could serve a kingdom purpose. No doubt this dinner conversation was Providence around.


On my way to Africa later that year, the suitcases I took with me were packed with instant cameras, scrapbooks, and stickers. In God’s Providence, we were able to preserve family histories for about twenty families. His word without tells us that your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” 


Be watching and listening within, around, and without for God’s direction for your next step.

For Reflection

Where do you need God’s direction’s right now?

What are you hearing within or seeing without in your reading of scripture?


Dear Heavenly Father, we all struggle with hearing Your voice and making decisions. Help us to notice what is happening within, without, and all around. Grant us courage when we sense Your movement and direction. Guide us and lead us in not only what we do but also in what we say. In Your name, we pray, Amen.

Rebecca Madden
Women's Ministry and Connections Director