Daily Devotionals

September 28, 2021

When he was at the table with them, he took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them. Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him.


Luke 24:30-31

I spent some time today looking for the story but couldn’t find it. Snippets of memory will have to suffice. As I recall, I read this story in the ‘70s, about the time that the first (Christopher Reeve) Superman movie was being filmed. The story related the account of a traffic helicopter in New York City that was reporting on the usual snarls and snags and bottlenecks.  Suddenly the reporter started yelling on live broadcast, “Holy Cow! There’s a man flying out here! Folks, you’re not going to believe this, but there is a man flying out here! It looks like Superman! I can’t believe it!  There’s actually a man flying out here!” As I recall, the reporter went on for a moment until he realized that, in fact, the actor was suspended from a cable that was attached to a crane, and it was the crane that was swinging him around.  Only then did the traffic reporter realize that a movie was being filmed.


The day after the resurrection as two disciples were walking home, a journey of about eight miles from Jerusalem, they came upon someone headed in the same direction. Walking together, the stranger explained to them the Old Testament connections of the story they had just told him about Jesus. The culture of hospitality led them to invite this stranger to stay with them and to “host” him at the table. It was only when he broke the bread—a common practice—that they recognized who he was.


Sometimes when we see something that we think cannot possibly be real, it turns out to be honest-to-goodness real after all—like the resurrection!

For Reflection

Has there ever been a time when you saw or experienced something that you thought was too good to be true and then discovered that it was indeed true?


Has there ever been a time when you realized, after the fact, that God had been present for you?


Risen Christ, today we thank You for Your promise never to leave us or forsake us. In times when we feel lost, thank You for walking with us, even though we may not recognize You. Help me today to trust You and to see You in my life. In Jesus’s name, Amen.

Dr. Chuck Roberts
Senior Associate Pastor