Daily Devotionals

november 8, 2021

In you, Lord my God, I put my trust.

Psalm 25:1

In life there are certain phrases or sentences that stop us in our tracks. Some of these sentences bring great joy like, “You got the job!” or “Will you marry me?” Other phrases can evoke shock, heartache, or pain. These moments are etched into our memories and provoke great emotions, sometimes even years later. 
As I read my Bible this morning, Psalm 25:1 stopped me in my tracks. The simplicity of this sentence overwhelmed me with the weight of its meaning. While it is easy for me to say that I trust in the Lord, living my life from a place of trust requires an entirely different level of faith. Rest assured that we are not alone. The disciples showed moments of distrust and a lack of faith throughout their time following Jesus. When the storm raged on the sea, they panicked as Jesus slept (Matthew 8:23-27). When their Rabbi was crucified, they went back to their day-jobs instead of expanding the Kingdom (John 21). 
Thankfully, the Lord is faithful. He meets us in our times of doubt and fear and offers us His mercy and grace. He proves to us over and over that He is trustworthy if only we give ourselves over to His will and His path for our lives. And even though we cannot hear His audible voice, we can turn to His word to remember His promises: He is a God who gives us hope and future (Jeremiah 29:11), He cares for us (Psalm 118:6), He will deliver us (Psalm 34:7), and He loves us (John 3:16). 

For Reflection

Is there an area of your life where you are having trouble trusting the Lord? Give that area to the Lord in prayer.

What is a small step you can take today to strengthen your trust in the Lord?


Father, thank You for this day. Thank You for another opportunity to turn toward You and seek out Your faithfulness in our lives. When a hard time comes our way, Lord, help us to give You our fears and our doubts. May we open our hands to receive Your peace and comfort and feel Your loving presence envelop us. Lord, we desire to be a people who live from a place of deep trust. May we acknowledge and remember Your goodness in our past and proclaim Your faithfulness as we walk forward on this journey. Amen. 

Anne Henry
Director of Become Ministry