Daily Devotionals

March 8, 2021

This is the third week of Lent, and all of the devotions are centered on the theme
“Sin, Confession, and Forgiveness.”

If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.


I John 1:8-9

I have shared these words countless times—COUNTLESS TIMES—in worship services, in pastoral conversations with people who are broken and repentant, and so many times in the quietness of my own private devotions. They are tattooed on my brain, written in my heart, seared into my soul.


And yet, I can beat myself up better than anyone I know. I can do something, or say something, or refuse to do something, or nurse a grudge better than you, I bet. There are many simple little things, or bigger, grander things, historic things that I did—or did not do—YEARS ago that I have confessed. And I have repented from ever doing those things again.  I knew then and know today that I am forgiven for all these sins.


But I can’t or won’t turn loose. I won’t forgive myself. And then, somewhere along the way, I hear God ask me, “Who are you NOT to forgive someone whom I have already forgiven?”


Then I have to seek release from my calcified heart, a heart that is so frustratingly self-reliant that it won’t let me accept and feel and bask in—BASK in—the sheer, amazing, astounding, steadfast, unconditional love of God. So I repeat 1 John 1:8-9 to myself again and breathe in the grace, mercy, and forgiveness of God, Who loves me more than I can ever imagine.

For Reflection

Have you ever felt the tendency not to forgive yourself that is described here?

What are the things for which you refuse to forgive yourself?

If you have confessed—and repented—and you believe that God has forgiven you, “Who are you NOT to forgive someone whom I have already forgiven?”


Lord, thank You for loving me more than I will ever be able to understand. Thank You for forgiving the sins I have confessed. Please forgive me for my lack of self-forgiveness.  Help me to accept and grow in Your love and forgiveness. In the name of Jesus, I pray, Amen.

Dr. Chuck Roberts
Senior Associate Pastor