Wonderfully Made is a new ministry of Peachtree Church that will cultivate community among adults with intellectual disabilities. “Wonder Makers” will have an opportunity to cultivate friendships and grow in their walk with Christ through this day program on the campus of Peachtree Church.



  • Adults with intellectual disabilities have very few or no options once they age out of the public school system for a place to belong and an opportunity to serve their community.
  • Wonderfully Made believes that every person is created in the image of God and is endowed with His creativity. This creativity will be celebrated through giving participants the dignity of work in contexts such as creating floral arrangements, hand made cards, and other artisanal endeavors.
  • Additional socialization will be provided through activities such as art, yoga, movie nights, and events with our community.



Wonderfully Made will feature a bakery staffed by our “Wonder Makers.”  Baked goods will be sold both at Peachtree Church and throughout the community at large to both generate revenue for the ministry and spread awareness of the adults with intellectual disabilities community and gifts.





Program launches Fall 2024;
Bakery launches early 2025



Interested in learning more?

Contact Kelly Wolfensperger at KWolfensperger@PeachtreeChurch.com 


Help us realize a new bakery kitchen! Your gift to Peachtree Church — designated “Wonderfully Made” —  will help us pay for the new bakery equipment and kitchen supplies.