I recently heard N. T. Wright use a phrase that struck me. In describing the work of the Church, he said that we are “called to live intentionally at the overlap of the ages.” He was referring to the fact that we have the wisdom of the Gospel in the present while, at the same time, we look ahead to the future. It made me think of the current times in which we are living. I feel we are indeed in a time of overlap, or at least in a time of disruption of life as we have known it. It’s uncomfortable on many levels: political, racial, and economic. However, our present time also offers us opportunities. As followers of Christ, we believe that we do not find ourselves here at this time and in this place by accident.
The Apostle Paul reminded the church at Ephesus that Christ has “lavished on us” the gift of salvation and hope for the future. It is quite a lavish gift. I can’t imagine 2020 without the confidence that the Lord is working in and through these events. In our anxiety, we can be confident that even in a year of strife, Christ is working out His purpose for the unity of all things. Our role is to embrace our part in that mission — to live intentionally in the way of Jesus, bringing unity in our nation, our work, and our homes. So as we stand at the overlap of the ages, we can do so with gratitude for the grace we have been given, confident that Christ is putting His will into effect, both in us and through us.