Many years ago—in fact, while serving on the Peachtree staff in the early 1990’s—I came to grips with the fact that one of my addictions of choice (I have many!) is sweets. Candy, cookies, pie, cake, ice cream, brownies, etc. You name it, I like it. Look at me today and it is obvious!
Realizing this about myself, I recognized that one of the times of year when sweets are prevalent is that time between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Back then, really kind and generous folks would bring home-baked goods to the church and put them out for the staff.
I had to swear off all of them. I would embark on a Lenten-like fast from all sweets after Thanksgiving until Christmas Day. (A side benefit is that while many folks were adding a pound or two, I often dropped a few pounds!)
One day a volunteer came in with a platter of freshly baked brownies. She offered some to me, and I politely declined. She encouraged me to have one, and I explained my situation. “Can’t you just have one?” she pleaded?
I wanted to summon my inner Paul and scream, “BY NO MEANS!!!!” but I restrained myself, and gratefully passed on her gracious offer.
No matter how good sin looks, we dare not allow it a foothold in our life, even if we rationalize our sin by pointing out it allows us to experience God’s grace even more.