There are three distinct narratives contained within the nineteenth chapter of the book of Matthew. First, Jesus is tested and questioned by the Pharisees over divorce. Second, Jesus prays for the children. Third, a wealthy man questions Jesus regarding the path to eternal life.
The first story opens with Jesus departing Galilee and entering Judea. When Jesus arrives, the Pharisees set a trap for him by questioning him about the law in an effort to coerce him into saying anything that violates the law. They inquire of Jesus concerning the legality of divorce in their time. Jesus’ response to the question is knowledge that begins at the very beginning of time, when God first created man and woman, and continues all the way up to the present day.
From that point on, Jesus begins to bless and pray for the children in his midst. With love, Jesus blessed the little ones and placed his hand upon them. The disciples believed that Jesus had more pressing matters to deal with than to bless the little ones who had been presented to him by the crowd. In response to the disciple’s discontent with Jesus, Jesus told the disciples not to hinder the children.
After that, Matthew tells the parable of the young man who inherited a lot of wealth. A man comes to Jesus with the question, “Teacher, how can I have eternal life?” Jesus responds to him with several commands and then instructs him to sell everything he owns and follow him. The man walks away sad. When Jesus had finished speaking to the crowd, he turned to his followers and told them that it is difficult for a wealthy man to enter heaven.
After that, Jesus continues by explaining to them that nothing is impossible with God, and that anyone who gives up anything and everything to follow him will be rewarded one hundred times more, in addition to receiving eternal life.