It’s hard to believe that we have journeyed through the entire gospel of Matthew this year. In fact, the first week of January was when we started. N.T. Wright says, “The gospel of Matthew was the early church’s favourite book. It was the most quoted, most copied, most read, and the most preached Christian book of the early centuries.” Now we have reached the final chapter, Matthew 28. This chapter begins with doubt, fear, and hopelessness. What Jesus’ disciples had witnessed a couple of days prior was horrific; all that they had thought Jesus to be was in question because he was dead. And they should have felt hopeless, because death is the final state without the resurrection.
But within a few verses, the narrative changes with these words spoken by the angel: “Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here, for he has risen.” When they eventually saw Him, their response was to worship Him and to lie at His feet. There was no denying what had happened because He was standing before them.
Yet, even with such a profound and otherworldly moment, the chief priests, elders, and guards still could not accept Him. They could not allow themselves to receive Him as their savior and the one who rose from the dead. Their hearts were clouded with pride, so much so that denial and lies seemed like a better response.
But, like all scripture, this chapter has an unexpected ending. The ending is far different from the beginning of Matthew, in which the disciples were invited to come and follow. Now, they are being sent: “Go and makes disciples of all nations.” In other words, “Do as I did, walk in my ways, and make more like me.” As one theologian says, “All of this is based on two claims…all authority in heaven and earth is given to him; and Jesus’ presence will always remain with them.” These are some of the most comforting words in all of scripture: “I am with you, always.”