August 14, 2023

In 2023, Peachtree Church is reading through the Gospel of Matthew and Paul’s Epistle to the Romans in conjunction with the sermon series New: Rediscovering the Story and Significance of Jesus. Devotionals are sent by email three days each week. Monday’s email includes additional background, history, and cultural information to help us better understand the texts. On Tuesday and Thursday you will receive a devotional based on one portion of the texts for this week.

Text for this week

Introduction to the Texts

In the second chapter of the letter to the church at Rome, Paul continues his reasoning with his gloves off. He’s not pulling any punches; he is laying his understanding of the life in Christ out for the “saints” in Rome to understand.


In the first chapter, Paul rather took the Gentiles on. Realize, if I may over-simplify, that at this point in the first century, people could be broadly characterized as either Jews or Gentiles. Jews were the people of God, the descendants of Abraham. Anyone who was not a descendant of Abraham was seen as a Gentile—someone (according to the Jews) outside the circle of God’s love and acceptance.


Having pretty well established that Gentiles were a sinful lot (and in so doing, making the Jews feel better about themselves) Paul lowered the boom on the Jews, firmly establishing them to be deserving of God’s wrath like everyone else.


Boy, that’ll make you feel all warm and fuzzy.


We are accustomed to reading narrative stories that have a simple beginning and end—but with Romans (as with all the epistles) we are reading parts of logical arguments. Slow down your reading; expand your thinking and listen to what God is saying through Paul.


Paul did not originate the argument he lays out here: that it is easy to put others down while building ourselves up. Jesus taught parables that address the same issue, trying to help his followers—which include you and me—to humbly follow Him.


One of the prophets of the Boomer generation, Jackson Brown, sang about how we “forget about the losses, we exaggerate the wins.” How easy it is to use a magnifying glass to critically examine others’ actions while we avoid looking in the mirror to examine ourselves.

For Reflection

Who “laid down the law” in your home growing up?

Has God’s kindness led you towards real love for him, or are you taking a relationship with God for granted?


Shape me by your love, your kindness, your forbearance and patience to be the person you have created me to be, Lord. I ask this in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Dr. Chuck Roberts
Senior Associate Pastor