Daily Devotionals

September 24, 2021

You will keep in perfect peace
those whose minds are steadfast,
because they trust in you.
Trust in the Lord forever,
for the Lord, the Lord himself, is the Rock eternal.


Isaiah 26:3-4

What does “peaceful” look like for you? For some of us, it’s a day with no obligations or worries. Some might imagine a hike beside a gentle stream while others think of “peaceful” as the feeling you get sitting on the beach at sunset, watching the waves roll in. Some of us might imagine being with the people we love most while others imagine being completely alone so that no one can clamor for our attention or energy. I’m certain that there are many varied thoughts, ideas, and opinions concerning what “peaceful” would look like or mean for each of us.


Isaiah tells us the secret for obtaining perfect peace. It comes to us when we trust in God. In comes to us in spite of our circumstances. It comes to us in a variety of settings or situations. It comes to us when we are with other people or when we are alone. But God gives His perfect peace to those who trust. Read those verses again. They tell of a promise that is conditioned on only one thing: trust.


Sometimes we worry about tomorrow. Sometimes we get discouraged by brokenness in a relationship or simply by the news around us. Sometimes our responsibilities and obligations pile up on us. Sometimes temptations come to steal away our peace. Sometimes we face trials and challenges, and we wonder if we have the courage and patience to walk through them. All of us long for peace at some time—and most of us many times!


Trusting God means placing my confidence in who God is and in what God has done. Trust is a willingness to step out without all of the answers and a desire to pursue God’s plan instead of my own. When I trust God, I’m telling Him that I want His ways to be my ways and not the other way around. God’s wisdom is far greater than mine. God’s plans are far superior to mine. Trust is when I tell God that I will submit to His way of thinking and being instead of my own. What is God’s promise to me when I trust Him?  “God will keep in perfect peace those …who trust in you.”

For Reflection

What does “peaceful” look like for you?

What things are happening in your life that take away your peace?

What is one thing you can purposefully do today to place your trust in God?


Help me, God, to keep my mind steadfast in You. I trust in You. I ask for Your peace. Amen.

Dr. Barry Gaeddert
Pastor for Spiritual Formation