Daily Devotionals

july 29, 2021

Our Peachtree Church email devotionals this week, July 26-30, will be written by Peachtree’s Hospitality Ministry staff.



For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.


Isaiah 41:13

Our daily lives in modern America are often consumed by “The grind.” Work, school, family, and friends all tend to take our precious twenty-four hours each day and shift our attention away from our walk with Christ. Each day becomes engulfed with stress and worry (with a few sprinkles of success and happiness mixed in). Everyone constantly ascends and descends, up and down, on the roller coaster of life.


Since I graduated from college in 2018, my life has been a roller coaster of struggles, stress, trials, successes, and achievements. Amidst moving to Atlanta to host my own sports’ radio show, working three jobs to make ends meet, and recently applying for and being chosen to become a fighter pilot, I have been fortunate enough to have experienced all angles of the metaphorical roller coaster.


Recently I reflected on some of the highs and lows of the past year and realized a disturbing trend. My walk with the Lord seemed to intensify or diminish based on the current state of my life’s roller coaster. When things became difficult, I would immediately reach out my hand to grab hold of Christ and cling to Him for guidance, help, and comfort. My prayer life became more intense.  My nightly devotionals became more meaningful, and my relationships pushed past the blandness of normal daily interactions. On the other hand, when my life took on an upward shift, all too often my hand seemed to be empty (I’d use my hand to pat myself on the back for a job well done), and the need for a helping clasp felt less important.


Despite how we sometimes feel during the ups and downs of life, the beauty of Isaiah 41:13 is that God does not appear only when we think we need Him or that He sits around with His arm outstretched. Isaiah does not write that God, “Holds out his hand in hopes that we choose to grab on for help.” No, notice again the phrasing of verse 13: “For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.”


He’s always there. He’s always holding onto His chosen people. It does not matter whether we think we need Him today or think we have everything all figured out on our own. Every day we are called to walk with the Lord, whether we are facing the armies of Assyria (like the original readers of Isaiah were in 800 B.C.) or enjoying one of life’s great successes. God holds onto us whether we know it or not. Rest in this peace and grip tight the hand of the Almighty.


“God seldom calls us for an easier life but always calls us to know more of Him and drink more deeply of His sustaining grace.” John Piper

For Reflection

Do you hold tight to God’s righteous right hand? Do you walk closely with Him during the ups and downs of your life?


Father, thank You for choosing us. Thank You for taking us by the hand and walking with us through all of life’s struggles and challenges. Help us to continue to lean into Your love and grace, whether or not our lives seem to be going in the direction that we want. Amen.

Thomas Mott
Reception Services