With Disruptive Compassion

Peachtree’s mission is: Joining Christ daily in the restoration of all things. For the O’Neal family, ‘Joining Christ daily’ is more than a mission statement. It is a way of life and they are seeking to restore hope for some of our state’s most vulnerable.

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A Recipe for Hunger Prevention

Peachtree is collecting a special offering to benefit our local community by preventing hunger for at-risk families in our area.

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India Student Sponsorship

Hear and see a high school student from India, Sampa, explain how the faithful generosity of the Peachtree community is changing her future by providing the money required for her…

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The Practice of Sabbath: Couch Conversations

The practice of Sabbath can feel unnatural in the busy world we live in, but slowing down and spending time with God can be incredibly fruitful. Matthew Howard, Robbie Altman,…

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