Malawi Sponsorships: Charity’s Story

Meet Charity. She and her seven siblings were raised by her grandmother in Malawi, living in a small house with 15 other people. Charity has always loved school but her grandmother couldn’t afford for her to have a higher education. Thanks to the generosity of our congregation, she became a sponsored student and is now studying clinical medicine at university.

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Generosity Sunday 2024: Blessed to Give

Meet Joyce. For years, she has spent six hours a day walking to, drawing, and carrying unclean water from the river for her family. Thanks to your generosity on Easter…

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Confirmation | Spring 2021

Despite the challenges imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic, Peachtree’s 2021 Confirmation Retreat has served as a life-changing experience for an exceptional class of 95 students. Joining together to seek answers,…

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Donate—and Decorate—for Habitat

Join the Ficke family by personalizing a gift of food to Habitat for Humanity families. Through Monday, May 24, collect a box and shopping list from the Peachtree Gym entrance,…

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