Confirmation 2023

Peachtree’s Confirmation journey provides students with a transformative experience where they build a foundation of faith and friendship, while learning together and growing closer to Christ. A pivotal point in their journey, the retreat draws our students away from their everyday lives to see all that they’ve learned manifest itself through community. From the peaceful moments in nature, to the exhilarating energy of worship, they make lasting memories and, more importantly, cultivate relationships with both God and their fellow confirmands.

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The Practice of Prayer: Erica’s Story

Finding a peaceful time to pray in the chaotic busyness of life can seem impossible – until we rediscover why we pray. Meet busy Peachtree mom, Erica Sperduto, who describes…

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The Practice of Sabbath: Couch Conversations

The practice of Sabbath can feel unnatural in the busy world we live in, but slowing down and spending time with God can be incredibly fruitful. Matthew Howard, Robbie Altman,…

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A Recipe for Hunger Prevention

Peachtree is collecting a special offering to benefit our local community by preventing hunger for at-risk families in our area.

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