Clean Water for a Tiny African Village

Imagine having to walk for miles to get a heavy bucket of dirty water to cook with. Now, see how a fresh water well impacts a tiny village in northern Malawi. Peachtree’s generosity is restoring joy for this community and making safe water available.

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Confirmation | Spring 2021

Despite the challenges imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic, Peachtree’s 2021 Confirmation Retreat has served as a life-changing experience for an exceptional class of 95 students. Joining together to seek answers,…

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India Student Sponsorship

Hear and see a high school student from India, Sampa, explain how the faithful generosity of the Peachtree community is changing her future by providing the money required for her…

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Feeding the 5000

Peachtree’s COVID-19 response includes an initiative to encourage our community by cooperating with our mission partners to address food security concerns during the crisis. See how Peachtree is delivering on…

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