
A young boy’s dream is fulfilled when he has access to an education. An education sponsorship provided by Peachtree made high school and college a reality for Bonaventure. Now, he is inspiring others in his village to achieve what he has done.

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India Student Sponsorship

Hear and see a high school student from India, Sampa, explain how the faithful generosity of the Peachtree community is changing her future by providing the money required for her…

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The Practice of Sabbath: Mary Kent’s Story

Mary Kent Ellis is a busy mom of three, but she prioritizes the practice of Sabbath every Sunday…and it’s her favorite day of the week. Incorporating Sabbath into our lives…

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Rutledge 2019

Every summer for the past 76 years, students at Peachtree attend a week of spiritual retreat at Camp Rutledge. With no smart phones, iPads, or television, the distractions and noise…

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