Afghan Christians First Christmas in the USA

Blessed by the grace of God, an extended family of 16 Christian Afghan refugees celebrate their first Christmas in America. Following Afghanistan’s fall to Taliban rule, the observance of the Christian faith quickly became a potentially deadly practice for those in Afghanistan. Believers were forced to conceal their faith and worship in secrecy to avoid persecution. In the midst of such terror, hear how the Light of Christ guided this faithful family through life-threatening chaos, away from harm, and ultimately to Oklahoma City where they can now safely embrace a life following Jesus Christ.

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Zacchaeus Fellows: Diane, Elijah, and Lillian’s Story

The ATL Zacchaeus Fellows Program, which is part of Peachtree Church, is a Christ-centered nine-month leadership development program for recent college graduates. A few years ago, faith-driven entrepreneur and Peachtree…

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Bill Tucker, an Elder at Peachtree Presbyterian, recently witnessed life-changing restoration during a trip to India.

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Peachtree is committed to encouraging and equipping men to become a positive impact for Jesus at home, at work, and in the community. Join us and find fellowship with men…

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