A Place to Belong: Cheryl Davis

Belong Communities are Peachtree’s opportunity for you to become more engaged in the life and ministry of your church. We will introduce you to people who have found A Place to Belong and tell you how being in community enhances spiritual growth and maturity.

Cheryl has been a member of Peachtree for many years, but after she and her husband purchased a home at Lake Hartwell, their attendance became less frequent. Years passed, but after her career as an oncology nurse unexpectedly ended, a friend urged her to come to a women’s Bible study at Peachtree.

Soon, Cheryl was reunited and engaged with a community. New relationships flourished and her connection with God grew strong and vibrant again. In early 2019, Cheryl was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer that had been in her body for a number of years, undetected.

Cheryl’s women’s community immediately enveloped her in prayer and love. She credits this community and their prayers for her strength and hope and she thanks God for His loving faithfulness.

God created each of us to love and support one another in Christian community. At Peachtree, we gather, learn, serve, and care with and for each other.

If you are not a member of a community at Peachtree, we encourage you to find A Place to Belong. Visit PeachtreeChurch.com/Belong to find a community.

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