Liz Tash

Senior Hospitality Director

Liz Tash is Peachtree’s Senior Hospitality Director. As head of the hospitality team, she is responsible for overseeing and coordinating all hospitality-related activities and services within the church. This includes welcoming guests, providing information about the church and its services, organizing and facilitating events and gatherings, and creating a welcoming and inclusive environment.

Liz is a native Floridian who studied marketing at Florida State University. Early in her career, she spent 10 years with Estee Lauder as a Regional Sales Trainer. While raising her children, Liz served as a church preschool teacher and children’s choir director. More recently, she has served as Guest Relations and Volunteer Coordinator, first for a hospice organization, and then in the Indiana University Health System. After 14 years in Indiana, Liz and her family relocated to Atlanta to be closer to family and she joined Peachtree’s staff.

She has two children, Garrett and Lauren. Her hobbies include spending time with family and friends outdoors and yoga. She also loves setting a table and preparing a meal for guests to enjoy and delight in conversation.