Pastoral Care
Peachtree offers many forms of distinctively Christian care and compassion.
Through our support groups, our pastors, and our partner LifeGate Counseling, there is a place here for you to receive comfort and strength in every season and circumstance of life.
Pastoral Care
For a pastoral care emergency during office hours, please call Rev. Vicki Franch or her administrative assistant, Celeste Cody.
For a pastoral care emergency after hours or on the weekend, such as a death or hospitalization, please call the pastor’s emergency phone at 404-490-1240.
For all other pastoral care needs, please contact Rev. Vicki Franch.
We want to help you before, during, and after the process of sending a loved one ahead to be with God. If you want to plan a memorial service at Peachtree, you may contact any of the pastors to begin the planning process. You will choose a venue, a date and time, and plan the order of worship with the help of a pastor. If you are unsure with whom you wish to start this process, Rev. Vicki Franch or Rev. Scott Tucker would be honored to help you.
Peachtree’s columbarium is available as a place to inter the ashes of your loved one. Contact Celeste Cody for more information.
Divorce Recovery
Divorce Recovery is a support care group for those experiencing the shock and pain of divorce. This is a 16 week program for men and women that is led by two Stephen Ministers who are trained in the process. Contact Christine Foster for more info.
GriefShare is a support group that features Biblical teachings on grief and recovery topics. This is a 13 week program that is sponsored by people who understand what you are experiencing and want to offer you comfort and encouragement during this difficult time. Contact Rick Barnes for more info.
For more information, contact: