Presbyterian Women

Presbyterian Women strengthen their friendships and faith by frequently gathering for Bible study, worship, and prayer.

General Meetings

Presbyterian Women’s General Meetings are the second Tuesday of every month, September through May, in the Wilson Chapel.

Meetings feature a time of worship and Bible Study led by Rev. Scott Tucker, Sally Hinkle, and Betsy Bunte. Circle Meetings which follow, featuring further discussion of the Bible study, fellowship, and planning for service projects. The ministry has a gift of recognizing and meeting needs through creative projects and continually serving and caring for Peachtree as well as the local and global community.

9:30am: Welcome
10:00–11:00am: Bible Study and General Meeting
11:15am–12:00pm: Breakout into Groups for Circle Meetings 
12:00pm: Lunch

In addition to our Circle Meetings, we have a Book Club, The Knit Wits Ministry, and The Bread Line Ministry.

For more information, please contact Membership Chair Millie Tucker. To subscribe to our newsletter, contact Peyton White .

Upcoming Events