Joining Christ daily in the restoration of all things.
Worship With Us
- Sundays @ 8:30am & 9:45am
Traditional Services - Sundays @ 11:15am
Contemporary Service - On-demand
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Experience God’s Grace Every Sunday at Peachtree.

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Handel’s Messiah Darkness Into Light
The Peachtree Chancel Choir presents Handel’s Messiah with soloists and a guest orchestra. Through this familiar, 300-year old music, hear how our Messiah brings us out of darkness and into…

Palm Sunday Services
8:30am, 9:45am, and 11:15am Celebrate Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem! Peachtree’s children will process with palm fronds and a donkey in the 9:45am service and there will be a petting…

Maundy Thursday Service
Our Maundy Thursday service will feature special music with the Peachtree Chancel Choir. We will celebrate communion and observe a Tenebrae service of darkness.

Good Friday Community Service
The Buckhead Community Good Friday worship service will be hosted at Peachtree Church this year. This annual community service pulls together Peachtree Church, Peachtree Road United Methodist Church, Church at…

Easter at Peachtree
Saturday, April 19 | 4pm and 6pm Sunday, April 20 | 8am, 9:30am, and 11am We invite you to attend one of our five identical Easter services. The Nursery is available for…

Featured Story
Seeds of Hope: Stanley’s Story
A seed represents a future. When it is planted and it grows, it produces hope. Through Seeds of Hope, our largest annual serving opportunity, we pack seeds for over 100,000 gardens for our partners in Malawi and Liberia, helping families like Stanley’s battle food insecurity.