Peachtree Responds to the COVID-19 Pandemic

The miracle of feeding the 5000 occurred on the shores of the Sea of Galilee in what Jesus’s disciples described as a desolate place. The event became one of the most well known of Jesus’s many miracles. The account in Matthew 14 indicates that Jesus ‘felt compassion for them and healed their sick’.

Peachtree will model our COVID-19 response initiative on the pattern Jesus illustrates, feeding and healing the people physically, empowering His disciples to participate in the process, and expressing compassion in the form of service.

One Another

Take 5 for 5

Spend 5 minutes each day to reach out to a person in our church with a phone call or a note of encouragement. Ask how they are doing, if they need anything, and how you can be praying for them. We want every member of our Peachtree family to make connections. 

Our Community

Give $4 for 1 more

Food security is the most urgent need in our community right now. The cost to feed one person one meal is $4. We are requesting you make a financial commitment above your annual pledge and giving to meet this immediate need. Scholars estimate the crowd Jesus fed was likely closer to 15,000 persons including women and children. We can unleash the power of Christian compassion and do the same. 

Life in Christ

Each day, draw near to pray

The most important investment you can make during this time of separation is to draw closer and go deeper in your relationship with Jesus Christ. Much of the busyness and many of the distractions preventing this spiritual growth are currently gone. Developing a committed, consistent, and intentional prayer life will result in transformational outcomes that will sustain you in this current crisis and provide a secure foundation for the rest of your life. We want to help you achieve this goal.


Join us for Pray the Scriptures, a live daily devotion led by Peachtree’s pastoral team that will focus on the power scripture brings to your prayer life. We also have resources you can use independently to grow your faith.